About Us

Guiding Principles

It is the policy of the Redwood County Board of Commissioners to strengthen the County’s role and increase its support of economic development in the County. The County has invested in staff time and financial resources in a planned, coordinated and strategic manner and to engage in a collaborative approach to economic development. The County’s EDA policies and actions will be guided by five principles.

The private sector is the lead that drives the economy

The EDA will work in partnership with the private sector

The EDA will not duplicate or replace the work of cities and other public agencies

The EDA will work in collaboration with cities and public agencies and will provide leadership where the EDA can make the most difference

The County supports a strong collaborative approach to economic development

No matter the location, economic development is a benefit to the entire county
Support efforts to ensure a highly skilled workforce and adequate workforce housing

Business retention is an essential policy objective

Business attraction continues to be important but opportunities are more variable

A deliberate, purposeful and strategic plan is required

The County will take careful and prudent risks to pursue its objectives guided by clear outcomes, and consensus-based policies

Interested in Learning More?

Reach out to Grady, Economic Development Coordinator to discuss your needs and what programs may serve your organization.

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