Mapping Tools

What is GIS?

GIS stands for Geographic Information System. It is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of spatial or geographical data. If you have ever used Google Maps to find an address, or the closest gas station, you have seen GIS in action. GIS is simply information with a location.

The Redwood County Environmental Office maintains Beacon Online GIS for all of the County digital spatial data and is available to the public. Beacon Online GIS is an online tool allowing users to interact with data in the form of "layers" which includes roads, parcel information, waterways, public drainage, political lines, and more. High imagery is also available!

Do you have specific questions, or seeking specific information available through Beacon? Contact the Redwood County Environmental office at (507) 637-4023.

Stay In Touch

Grady Holtberg, Redwood County Economic Development Coordinator is available to provide any assistance you may need. If she can't help, she likely can get you in touch with someone or an organization who can! You are not alone in your venture!

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